Enjoli Ford
1. How old are you? 32
2. What position do you play? Libero/DS indoor and Right Side/Defender for Beach
3. What got you into volleyball? When I was 13 my friend invited me to come watch her practice and the coach invited me to practice with his team. I instantly fell in love with the sport.
4. Are you currently in or going to college? No.
5. Who is your role model? You (AWW THANK YOU), of course, you were in my conference and it was an honor playing against you. Also, April Ross.
6. As an athlete what challenges do you face on the court? Being disciplined in game strategy, controlling my attitude when we're losing, and fatigue.
7. Have you ever been injured while playing? No, thank God.
8. Do you find it hard to be in a relationship while in season? While in college there was no time for a relationship for me, so I remained single. Now, yes. It takes a lot of dedication and balance, also currently single.
9. What number are you and why? #16 because it's the day of my birthday.
10. Where are you from? New Orleans
11. Would you consider playing overseas? Heck yes, but that ship has kind of sailed.
12. What position do you feel is the hardest to play? It's a toss up between the Setter and Outside hitter especially as a 6 rotational player.
13. What do your workouts consist of? Legs (Squats, RDL, Extensions, jumps), Cardio at least 2 miles, Arms (resistance machines and some dumbbells)
14. How often do you work out during the week? inconsistently. maybe 2 days a week
15. Do you take protein supplements? If so why? No
16. Have you ever thought about quitting? No. That's never been an option.
17. How do you handle adversity? Think about it, process it, and control what I can control.
18. How do you handle feedback? Similar to how I handle adversity. I think about what I am capable of changing if it will benefit me and/or the team.
19. What is some advice you would give younger athletes? Take care of your body and your mental health. Stretch and use the time for recovery. Put good nutrients into your body so that it will think you. Form lasting friendships with your teammates, but also make sure you know and work towards your own personal journey.
Wow after reading that we use to play against each other on top of you viewing me as your role model is a true blessing. Thank you Enjoli for answering and participating. Make sure you all follow her..... Twitter: @Enjee16 and Instagram: @Enji16
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